Building a Home with Prayer

By Chris Baxter

Foundation of Love

May every floorboard of every room be founded on the love of Jesus Christ;

in Him alone we will not be shaken.

Walls of Joy

May the joyful and contagious laughter of the abundant life of Christ ring

throughout the walls of our home.

Ceilings of Peace

May You seal each room, dear Father, with Your sweet blanket of peace,

and may Your protective hand rest on our rooftop.

Hallways and Stairways of Patience

Please give me Your patience with each child as they pass through

each of the stages and phases of growth. Also, please fill my children's hearts with

genuine patience towards one another as they walk life together.

Windows of Kindness and Doorways of Goodness

May all who look into this home be enthralled by Your warming light;

and when these welcomed guests enter in, may the feel surrounded by

the goodness of Your love.

Playrooms and Schoolrooms of Gentleness

May Your tender touch abound in the hearts of my children as the play, learn,

and live together. And dear Father, may I lead gently--the way You so

gently lead me.

Bedrooms of Faithfulness

Please bless our marriage with a beautiful love for one another--the kind

You planned from the beginning. And may my children's bedrooms never be

a place of secrecy; rather, a sanctuary, filled with quiet times with

their faithful Redeemer.

Kitchen of Self-control

May You be the King of the kitchen, not me.

And as we gather around our table, may we feast on Your abundant

grace and love.


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Excuses, excuses

But Moses said to the Lord, "O my Lord, I am not eloquent...but I am slow of speech and tongue." Then the Lord said to him, "Who has made man's mouth?" Exodus 4:10-11

Dear Lord,

You have heard all our excuses, but none measure up to the overriding promise of your presence in our midst. Help us to know with certainty, if you have called us, you will also equip us. In Jesus' Name, Amen.