Holding onto Life

By Chris Baxter

It’s only been a little over a month since the tragic Covenant shootings in Nashville, and it seems as if life has moved on for most of us

…but not for all of us.

Let’s keep our friends who are still suffering such great loss in our prayers. Life is forever changed for them.

As I’ve been praying over the parents, spouses, and loved ones in this tragedy, the Lord brought to my mind and resurfaced a poem I wrote in 2009 about another tragic loss of a young child. So, following the Lord’s lead, I went to my “writing cabinet” and dug it up.

It’s entitled “Holding onto Life”. I’m sharing it today as a reminder and a prayer.

For all those who have lost a loved one to a tragedy, hear Jesus whisper to your heart:“I’m holding you both.”

“Holding onto Life”

 O my

O, my God

O, my God, no!

A heart of sorrow, tears of pain-

This, my God, is more than a sting.

Where’s the victory? Where’s the hope?

No, no, no, I cannot cope.

Holding onto life, holding onto life,

Holding onto Life, Holding onto Christ…

He gently whispers, “I’m holding you both.”


A heart of sadness, tears remain,

An earthly loss for a heavenly gain-

And this is the story that You wrote?

Reassure my heart, You love “the most.”

Holding onto life, holding onto life,

Holding onto Life, Holding onto Christ…

He sweetly whispers, “I’m holding you both.”


A heart of aching, tears make stains,

Tears of anguish well up again-

I’m trusting, trusting—the Living Hope.

Holding onto life, holding onto life,

Holding onto Life, holding onto Christ…

He softly whispers, “I’m holding you both.”


A heart of longing, tears untamed,

Release, hold on, release again-

Remind me he's with you, singing:

“Holding onto Life! Holding onto Life!

Holding onto Life! Holding onto Christ!”

While I cling to your words, “I’m holding you both.”


O my

O, my God

O my God, help me say… "Yes."


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