Who are you going to Listen to?

By Chris Baxter

On January 1st, I started listening to Genesis chapter 1 with the goal being to follow along the storyline of the whole bible throughout 2022. In doing so, I'm also trying to have a "take-away" each day.

When I got to the encounter between the serpent and Eve (with Adam too) in Genesis 3, I asked this question to myself:

"Who are you going to listen to?"

Just like Adam and Eve, we have one of two options.

One, we can listen to our Maker, who is the God that created everything good and perfect and beautiful. He is in all and through all. He is the author of light and life and love. He is all wise and knows the inner workings of each one of us. He is holy. He is glorious. And amazingly, he offers his glory to us!

Or two, we can listen to the enemy of our Maker. In Genesis 3, he is the serpent in the garden who is more crafty than any other beast of the field. Elsewhere in the bible he is referred to as the deceiver, the accuser, and the father of lies. He lied to Adam and Eve back then and he lies to us every day. He twists God's truth. He tempts us with lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, and the pride of life (1 John 2:16).

Sadly, Adam and Eve pushed away God's clear direction and gave into the serpent's deceiving words, and therefore, we have this ongoing wrestle today.

But the good news is this, our Savior Jesus has come! We have his living word and we have his abiding Spirit!

With the Helper, we can wisely discern and powerfully overcome the tactics of our enemy.

In 2022, how about we choose to be in the word of God?

His word will guide and direct us. His word will help decipher truth from lies. His word is our greatest weapon as we walk in this fallen world.

Who am I going to listen to this year? Who are you going to listen to?

Each one of us has one of two options.

Maker of heaven and earth, God of glory, Holy One, Author of Love, Giver of Life, help us to listen to YOU!

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Daily Prayer

Just shake it off

But the Jews incited the devout women of high standing and the leading men of the city, stirred up persecution against Paul and Barnabas, and drove them out of their district. But they shook off the dust from their feet against them and went to Iconium. And the disciples were filled with joy and the Holy Spirit. Acts 13:50-52

Dear Lord,

Help us not to be surprised by those who oppose us. Rather give us joyful hearts in knowing that you are greater than any nay-sayer; your Spirit filled word cannot be snuffed out by any human. Instead of being discouraged, cause us to "shake off the dust" and move on to our next assignment. Amen.