A Prayer of Relinquishment

Not too long ago in my morning quiet time, I came across a prayer written by Richard Foster, entitled "A Prayer of Relinquishment".

I wrote it down in my journal because, for me, it's a "keeper." The content of the prayer is simple yet profound, and can be prayed daily with new meaning behind each phrase.

Here is the prayer:

Today, O Lord, I yield myself to you.

May your will be my delight today.

May your way have perfect sway in me.

May your love be the pattern of my living.

I surrender to you my hopes, my dreams, my ambitions. Do with them what you will, when you will, as you will.

I place into your loving care my family, my friends, my future. Care for them with a care that I can never give.

I release into your hands

my need to control,

my craving for status,

my fear of obscurity.

Eradicate the evil, pacify the good, and establish your kingdom on earth.

For Jesus' sake. Amen.

Which line grabbed your attention?

When I first read it, I identified with these words, "I release into your hands...my fear of obscurity." Today, as I am typing, this particular line strikes a chord in my heart, "I place into your loving care my family, my friends, my future." Next time I pray this prayer, God will most likely highlight something else that needs tending to in my life. He's always working in me, pulling things to the surface so that I can bring my "stuff" (my worries, fears, doubts, wayward thoughts and actions, etc) to him. And how gracious and patient God is to help me open my hands back up, releasing it all, in full trust once again.

I encourage you to spend some time with the Lord today. Make a date and choose a quiet place to have a Heart-to-heart with him. Personalize this prayer. He will be delighted to listen to you, and as equally delighted to respond.

Unclinch your fists and relinquish whatever you're holding into the hands of your all knowing, all loving, almighty God.

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Monday, July 11, 2022
By Chris Baxter

A Work Imprinted, Beforehand

This past Sunday was no ordinary Sunday.

Our 29 year old son Bink joined us in Panama City Beach for the weekend.

I will allow his words to tell his story:

“I was sitting beachside and then got up to go into the ocean.

I heard some yelling going on and looked down the beach and thought maybe they were just playing. A guy near me was on a boogie board and called out to me, 'Sir I think they need some help.'

So I made my way over to the commotion alongside of the boogie board guy and that’s when I realized the current was much stronger. I have never felt anything like it. Crazy how powerful it was. I made my way over to two of the guys (a dad and his teenage son) and grabbed hold of them with my arms over their chest and tried to fight my way into shore with them.

I made a game time decision to take one at a time because of the rip current. I pushed forward with the son, found my footing and got him to the shore. I then turned and went and grabbed hold of the dad and got him safely to shore. He fell to the sand, laid out in exhaustion. The boogie board guy  got the other teenage son safely to shore.

Someone called 911 and they came. All of us were safe.”

The back story is this:

Bink has been training for months and months in the swimming pool so he can compete later in the summer and fall as a Masters swimmer. He's as strong as he's ever been. Little did he know he was training for something more than fast times at a swim meet. He certainly didn't know where he was going to be on the afternoon of June 12th.

But God did. He knew Bink was the man for this rescue job because, first of all, he made Bink rather passionate and fearless. And he also knew that Bink was now physically ready "for such a time as this."

It amazes me what God knows and what we do not! At times like this I marvel as the unfolding takes place.

And here's another "God-touch" to add to the story:

Months before this rescue day, I had taken the above picture on a morning beach walk. There were imprints of what looked like "Bink" all along the sand. Of course seeing his name made me pray for him, for his present and for his future. Little did I know that I was praying for his future works on the very beach I was walking.

This picture, along with the events of the day, reminded me of this verse:

We are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:20

I'm thankful for the outcome of this day.

I'm thankful for what God knows about our future.

Believe he has prepared good works for each one of us.

Let's be sure to walk in them.

We may not save a life today, but we certainly can encourage someone.

Live out what has already been imprinted by your Maker.

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Wednesday, June 15, 2022
By Chris Baxter

Full of...Something

If someone were to describe you, what words would they use?

And, if you were to describe someone, what words would you assign to him or her?

These questions have come to mind because over the last month, I have been in the book of Acts and a couple of repetitious words have crossed my path. Catch the words "full of" in these short phrases:

--the apostles were full of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:4)

--the religious leaders were full of jealousy (Acts 5:17)

--the seven chosen men were full of the Spirit and of wisdom (Acts 6:3)

--Stephen was full of grace and power (Acts 6:8)

--Dorcas was full of good works and charity (Acts 9:36)

Take a moment and ask yourself, what am I "full of"?

Be honest with yourself and with the Lord. It's okay to admit that you might be full of:

fear and doubt,

pride and anger, or

stress and anxiety.

When we admit the condition of our hearts to the Lord, and want to change our ways, God can do amazing things in us! I have seen this clearly in the book of Acts. The same disciples that fled on the night of Jesus' arrest and crucifixion (full of fear and confusion) are now, full of the Spirit, and are courageously turning the world upside down with their faith. It's like these men are an entirely different group of Jesus' followers.

The same can be true for us. Ask the Lord to help you right where you are. What do you want to be full of? God, through the Holy Spirit will help you.

A second question is this:

If you were to describe someone in an honoring way, what would he or she be "full of"? Is there someone that comes to mind? Maybe reach out to this person and thank them for just being who they are in Christ. It's never a bad idea to encourage or thank someone. So do it today; be "full of" gratitude and kind words towards them. it might just change both of your days entirely.

We're all full of something. We get to chose what that something is. The truth is, there is no better privilege on earth than to be full of the Lord.

Dear Lord,

Thank you that the characteristics of your Holy Spirit can be beautifully displayed through each one of us. May we be full of YOU, not only for our own benefit, but also so that we can be a blessing to all those we encounter. Amen.

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Tuesday, May 17, 2022
By Chris Baxter

Culture's Chaos vs. Mother's Day

How ironic that our country is in the midst of (another) whirlwind of chaos, this time about aborting Life, and Mother's Day is around the corner.

As I read the raging headlines, I'm also currently in my own quiet space, praying for 3 different women who are longing to be a mother. They are asking for the sweet gift of a heart to beat inside of them. Again, what a contrast to the world that is shouting the opposite.

Another interestingly-timed-project on my editing radar right now is my daughter's work of 36 prayers written for her baby in utero. Maggie has beautifully crafted one prayer for each week of pregnancy. The content speaks about the baby's physical development as well as his or her future well-being. They are share-worthy, so please pray that I can get these out there to those who want them week to week. (Maggie now has three precious ones, so these prayers have been lifted up again and again and again!)

Her prayer on week 6 reminded me once again of God's divine orchestration of an appointed life, the value of a heart beat, the hope of a future. Forgive us Lord when we play god, destroying what you have already called into being.

Here is my daughter's prayer:

 Dear Jesus,

Thank you for the miracle of life that is now making his or her presence known in my body. As I begin to experience more of the (unpleasant)symptoms of pregnancy, I have been struck by the fact that I am giving myself up/suffering for the life of another. This is just a small picture of what You did for me on the cross, and it fills me with awe of your love and sacrifice.

 The other fact that fills me with awe is that our baby's heart is beating 110 beats per minute! This is such a testament to your sovereignty and creativity - that a heart that is not my own is beating inside my womb under no conscious power or direction from me. I know that even though I can't feel or hear these precious heartbeats, You can. This gives me such comfort as I continue walking forward in this new, exciting, and sometimes scary season. I pray, spiritually, that you create a heart that beats for you in our child. I also pray, physically, for a healthy and strong liver, kidneys and lungs.

 I love knowing that his or her face is starting to form. Small dots on the tiny head will soon form the ears, eyes and nose. I can't help but think of the miracles that You performed during Your time on earth when you made the blind see and the deaf hear. You are working another miracle in my womb right now. May they open their eyes and unclog their ears to see and hear Your loving presence in their life.

 I praise You with great joy (and a little nausea)!


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Thursday, May 5, 2022
By Chris Baxter

Dis the "Dis"

I wish this was not true about me, but I tend to wrestle with discouragement. I make a plan in my head and think about it coming to fruition with hopeful expectation, and when it doesn't happen, ugh, I'm like a pouty two year old all over again.

THANKFULLY, I know this not-so-pretty-truth about myself so my pity parties are not as long as they used to be. God is growing me up.

Lately, I've decided to "dis" each "dis" that encroaches my thoughts. Words like "discouragement", "disappointed", and "dissatisfied" need to be disarmed, and the quicker I do this word-slicing, the better.

I decided to look up the prefix "dis" just to get a better idea of its meaning. Here it is:


1. expressing negation

2.denoting reversal or absence of an action or state

One of my goals in life (on a daily basis) is to NOT be a negative person! Just call me "No-Dis-Chris"!

So I must fight the negativity that creeps in every day! With God's help, I can change my mindset.

For example, for you and for me, let's look at these words I mentioned above:

Disappointed. Take out the "dis" and the word becomes "appointed." Have you ever gotten passed over for a job that you really thought was supposed to be yours? Can you believe that God, in his full-knowledge, has something else in mind and that you are the one he has appointed to do it?

Discouraged. Take out the "dis" in this word, and we see the root word "courage." Have you been knocked off your feet due to things not going your way, in your job, with your health, in a relationship, or with a personal heart's desire? Are you weary of the struggle? I get it. I encourage you to get back up and know God IS at work in a way you can't quite yet see. Let him fill you with renewed courage to keep walking by faith.

Dissatisfied. Take out the "dis" and the word becomes "satisfied." This is a hard question: can you be satisfied with the plans God has for you more so than the plans you have for you? The truth of the matter is that sometimes my plans are just that, MY plans. When I let go of my narrow-minded expectations and allow the Lord to broaden my thinking into what he has in store, I'm not only satisfied, I'm excitedly content. And being excitedly content in the Lord is a beautiful way to live...MUCH better than living like a pouty two year old!

Practice dis-ing the dis today: be appointed, full of courage, and satisfied with HIM. Change disoriented to "oriented--in Him". Change disapproved to "approved--by Him." Change disadvantage to "advantage--because of Him." On and on.

Take out the dis and replace it with HIM.

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Saturday, April 9, 2022
By Chris Baxter

A Specific Prayer for a Broader Purpose

A very long time ago...about three and a half decades to be exact, I was a competitive swimmer for the University of Texas. Even though I had disappointments scattered throughout my career while there, I can also say that being part of three national championship teams was a privilege that I'll always cherish.

Back then, the rules were clear. The playing field was even.

However, not so today.

The women's NCAA swimming competition is currently being held in Atlanta Georgia. The pool is 25 yards for everyone, the starting blocks are all the same size, and the lane ropes are all equidistant from each other. Every swimmer there has trained more hours than anyone would want to count. All competitors have set both personal and team goals. It is an honor to be present on the pool deck.

There is one difference that has changed everything, however, and it is this: transgender swimmers will be diving into the water, racing next to women. I'm thankful for the people who are making a stand on this topic, using their immense knowledge and unique platforms to implore fairness in women's swimming, as well as in all of women's sports.

My skill set concerning this current agenda is prayer. (After all, I learned to pray as a swimmer. There's nothing quite like swimming back and forth, back and forth, moving with the rhythm of the water, pouring one's heart out to the One who listens...and cares...and answers.)

So, as these highly trained athletes are competing in Atlanta, I'm here in my den in Nashville, sitting quietly, tapping on my key board, lifting these swimmers up to the Lord.

Read this prayer, and if you believe it, pray it with me. You may not have any interest in swimming, but I would ask you to use this specific prayer for a broader purpose. It's about each one of us: God's desire is for our hearts to change, to follow him fully, and to be blessed in his truth.

Dear Lord,

You are Maker of heaven and earth.

You give life and breath. Our hearts beat and our minds think because of your permissive love. Thank you.

You don’t force us to follow you, rather you invite us to. Forgive us when we refuse.

We are living in a time that calls “wrong right” and “right wrong.”

You ask us to live by your wisdom because you know it is best for us, individually and collectively. The wisdom of the world only brings disorder and confusion, again, individually and then collectively.

Help us to realize that you alone are the soul answer to what we really desire; nothing else will suffice. Forgive us for seeking outer measures to gain inner peace.

You ask us to pray about everything and also to be fervent and specific when we talk to you. Thank you that you are not a God who is far away; rather, you are as near to us as our breath. You care deeply about our circumstances, individually and collectively. You want to work in ways that only you can so that people are drawn to you.

So today, we lift up every swimmer, coach, and official at the women’s NCAAs in Atlanta GA. You are there too. You know each individual by name, and there is not one person on the pool deck that you don’t love. Understanding your personal love draws our hearts to want your protective ways. You know how to make this situation right. We ask for your good and right way to prevail. Pour your divine peace into this human confusion. Use this swimming meet to launch what is right and just for all, specifically women's athletics. Make people courageous to fully follow your paths and speak about it. Bless those who are committed to you.

Your way is pure, not skewed.

Your truth is freeing, not binding.

You desire heart change for all of us.

Turn us back to you.

We ask this in the powerful name of Jesus. Amen.

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Friday, March 18, 2022
By Chris Baxter

Daily Prayer

Seek Diligently

Or what woman, having ten silver coins, if she loses one coin, does not light a lamp and sweep the house and seek diligently until she finds it? And when she has found it, she calls together her friends and neighbors, saying, "Rejoice with me, for I have found the coin that I had lost." Just so, I tell you, there is joy before the angels of God over one sinner who repents.  Luke 15:8-10

Dear Lord,

Thank you for diligently pursuing us with your love! Please run after the one who is running away from you! Soften her heart to trust you completely, and cause her to follow you all the days of her life.  Amen.